



From July 11th to 12th, 2020, Guanbi Company held a two-day and one night mid year tour as usual, with the destination being Xuanzhen Drifting in Qingyuan City. For this scorching summer, this is a very cool seasoning. The purpose of this event is to allow colleagues to wash away the fatigue and laziness caused by the scorching heat in this clear stream of clean water amidst their busy schedules, to regain their energy, strive forward, and fully devote themselves to the work of the second half of the year.

On the morning of the 11th, the sky was azure and the breeze was refreshing. Colleagues have boarded the tourist bus according to the arranged time, and together we will go drifting in Qingyuan. Although the weather was extremely hot, the journey was smooth, and my colleagues slowly fell asleep in the car, hoping for drifting and feeling tired after waking up early. At noon, when we arrived in Qingyuan, we first had lunch together at a restaurant. After lunch, everyone took a break in the car to recharge and prepare for the afternoon activity.

We drove to our destination, and after getting off, we had a group photo, followed by the highlight of this event - the drifting activity. The journey was thrilling and thrilling, with constant screams. Everyone was shouting and laughing happily. Releasing their body and mind, fully immersed in the embrace of nature, everyone had a great time playing. After the rafting ended, everyone had their second activity at the water park. Some people chose to swim to feel the race between their bodies and the water flow, while others chose the amusement facilities such as slides and loudspeakers at the water park. Everyone had a great time this afternoon, relaxing both their bodies and minds, and washing away the fatigue brought by the cool day.


The next morning, we went to Feilai Lake Wetland Park for a group photo, followed by personal time to play, taking a walk in the corridor, and taking a boat trip on the lake. Then we went to Baimiao Fishing Village, gathered at Pier 51, and enjoyed a rich lunch on the ship.

This trip has relaxed everyone's body and mind, integrated into nature, and benefited greatly. At the same time, it also increases the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the Guanbi team, allowing everyone to work together more firmly!



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