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January 6-9, 2018 year-end tourism - Qianhu Miao Village, Guizhou, Huangguoshu Waterfall


From January 6th to 9th, 2018, our company organized a four-day and three night year-end tour, which included Guizhou Qianhu Miao Village and Huangguoshu Waterfall.

On the morning of January 6th at 5 o'clock, everyone gathered at the company. Although we got up early, we still arrived at the gathering place on time and set off for Guangzhou South Station together. At the South Station, we gathered all the colleagues from this trip and took the high-speed train to Duyun East Station in Guizhou, which took over 6 hours by car. After getting off the high-speed rail, we took a bus to our first destination, Qianhu Miao Village, and had dinner on the way. The weather in Guizhou is much colder than in Dongguan, and the temperature is even colder, reaching below zero, as thousands of households live in the mountains. But everyone was prepared early to keep warm.

That night, we lived in the same Miao village with our Miao compatriots. In the evening, we tasted the unique cuisine of the Miao village together. The next morning, we woke up early and visited the customs and ethnic culture of the thousand households of the Miao village together. We watched a carefully prepared song and dance feast by our Miao compatriots, which was a feast for our eyes. Afterwards, we specially tasted the long table banquet and deeply felt the enthusiasm of our Miao compatriots, as well as the long-standing history of our ethnic culture. When we were about to leave, we didn't forget to bring the local specialties of Miao Village to our family and friends.

We reluctantly left Qianhu Miao Village and took a car to the world's largest and most populous residential area - Guiyang Flower Orchard. That night, our group checked into the Li Feng Hotel. The next morning, we headed to the beautiful Huangguoshu Waterfall, where we cheered and enjoyed the scenery. At the first sight of Huangguoshu Waterfall, we were all shocked. Although it is winter with less rainfall, it is still very spectacular and truly the largest waterfall in China

. Please take your time to appreciate the picture below:

Everyone had a great time on their trip to Huangguoshu Waterfall, but as night approached, they could only leave with an unfulfilled mood. On the the fourth day, we set out on the way home. End of year tourism is a tradition of Guanbi Company, and we will continue to persist from the beginning to the present and the future. We are a harmonious and joyful big family; We laugh and learn from each other; We are not afraid of difficulties and bravely move forward. I love this big family!

No. 602, Commercial Office Building, No. 1, Wangnanju Building, No. 115 Guantai Road, Nancheng Street, Dongguan City

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